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How to Think Like a Roman Emperor

  "The Stoic philosophy of Marcus Aurelius"

Donald Robertson's "How to Think Like a Roman Emperor" provides a captivating exploration of Marcus Aurelius' life and the Stoic principles he lived by. This book combines historical biography, psychotherapeutic insights, and practical Stoic exercises, illustrating how the last great Stoic emperor applied philosophy to manage personal challenges and imperial responsibilities.



  • Title: "How to Think Like a Roman Emperor: Donald Robertson"
  • Subtitle: "Donald Robertson"
  • Tagline: "The Stoic philosophy of Marcus Aurelius"
  • Description: "A detailed account of how Stoicism guided one of Rome’s greatest emperors, offering lessons on resilience and virtue."
  • Keywords: Stoicism, Marcus Aurelius, Roman History, Philosophy, Leadership, Donald Robertson...


# How to Think Like a Roman Emperor
- Donald Robertson
- The Stoic philosophy of Marcus Aurelius
- A detailed account of how Stoicism guided one of Rome’s greatest emperors, offering lessons on resilience and virtue.
- 5 Topics

## Topics
- Marcus Aurelius' Life and Reign: Contextual background and major events.
- Stoic Principles Applied: How Marcus Aurelius used Stoic philosophy in ruling and personal conduct.
- Challenges and Solutions: The specific challenges he faced and Stoic solutions he applied.
- Leadership Lessons: Insights into leadership from a Stoic perspective.
- Modern Application of Stoic Principles: How the teachings of Marcus Aurelius can be applied today.

Topic 1

"Marcus Aurelius' Life and Reign"

This section provides a comprehensive overview of Marcus Aurelius’ life, from his rise to emperor to his philosophical writings and the challenges of his reign. It sets the stage for understanding his commitment to Stoicism amidst the responsibilities and crises of imperial leadership.

Topic 2

"Stoic Principles Applied"

Robertson examines the specific Stoic practices and principles that Marcus Aurelius employed in his daily life and decision-making processes, such as the discipline of perception, the practice of mindfulness, and the development of emotional resilience.

Topic 3

"Challenges and Solutions"

This topic delves into the various personal and political challenges Marcus Aurelius faced, such as military conflicts and the Antonine Plague, and discusses how he applied Stoic philosophy to navigate these issues effectively.

Topic 4

"Leadership Lessons"

The book extracts valuable lessons on leadership from Marcus Aurelius’ example, emphasizing virtues like justice, temperance, and courage, and showing how these Stoic principles can lead to effective and ethical leadership.

Topic 5

"Modern Application of Stoic Principles"

Finally, Robertson connects the ancient wisdom of Marcus Aurelius with modern life, offering guidance on how individuals today can apply Stoic principles to improve their personal and professional lives, enhance their mental health, and develop ethical leadership skills.