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The Power of Positive Thinking for IT Professionals by Norman Vincent Peale

Unlock Your IT Potential with the Proven Strategies of Positive Thinking!

This book is a must-read for IT professionals who want to maximize their potential and achieve success. Written by Norman Vincent Peale, a renowned author and motivational speaker, The Power of Positive Thinking for IT Professionals provides a comprehensive guide to developing a positive mindset and using it to achieve success

status: WIP, rank: 55, name: The Power of Positive Thinking for IT Professionals, price: NA, rating: NA, reviews: NA, data: The Power of Positive Thinking for IT Professionals by Norman Vincent Peale, cat: Self-Help/Personal Development, tags: ['Tags:', 'Positive', 'Thinking,', 'IT', 'Professionals,', 'Norman', 'Vincent', 'Peale'], author: Norman Vincent Peale

The Power of Positive Thinking for IT Professionals by Norman Vincent Peale

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