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The Politics of Globalization: A Beginner’s Guide by Manfred B

Unlock the Secrets of Globalization: A Comprehensive Introduction to the Politics of Globalization by Manfred B. Steger.

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the politics of globalization for the beginner. Written by Manfred B. Steger, a leading scholar in the field, it covers the history, causes, and effects of globalization, as well as its various political implications. It examines the global

status: WIP, rank: 32, name: The Politics of Globalization: A Beginner’s Guide, price: NA, rating: NA, reviews: NA, data: The Politics of Globalization: A Beginner’s Guide by Manfred B, cat: Politics/International Relations, tags: ['Politics,', 'Globalization,', "Beginner's", 'Guide,', 'Manfred', 'B.', 'Steger'], author: Manfred B

The Politics of Globalization: A Beginner’s Guide by Manfred B

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