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Bold Beans

  • Amelia Christie-Miller

  • Rating: 4.6

  • A BBC Radio 4's The Food Programme Book of the Year 2023 'With recipes this good you'll wonder why you didn't embrace the bean craze sooner...' - Thomasina Miers 'I love having beans as a base to make a hearty delicious dinner.' - Melissa Hemsley Get ready to become bean obsessed! Beans have had it tough, but they've finally had the makeover they deserve. No longer confined to the back of the cupboard, and now celebrated by foodies, these protein-rich, sumptuous and satisfying marvels offer versatility, texture and heartiness. With contributions from the Bold Bean team as well as Anna Jones, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and the team at Mob among others, these are enticing, exciting recipes uncompromising in their deliciousness. Bold Beans contains over 90 recipes divided into the following chapters: Speedy Beans Bean Snacks and Share Plates Brothy Beans Bean Bowls Hearty Salads Bean Feasts

Bold Beans

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