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The History of the Reformation: From the Birth of Luther to the Dawn of the Counter-Reformation by Susan Wise Bauer

Uncover the Epic Story of the Reformation: From Luther to the Counter-Reformation

This book is a comprehensive history of the Reformation, from its beginnings with Martin Luther's 95 Theses to the dawn of the Counter-Reformation. It provides a detailed account of the events that led to the Reformation, the major figures involved, and the lasting impact of the movement

status: WIP, rank: 18, name: The History of the Reformation: From the Birth of Luther to the Dawn of the Counter-Reformation, price: NA, rating: NA, reviews: NA, data: The History of the Reformation: From the Birth of Luther to the Dawn of the Counter-Reformation by Susan Wise Bauer, cat: History/Religious Studies, tags: ['#Reformation', '#History', '#Luther', '#Counter-Reformation', '#SusanWiseBauer'], author: Susan Wise Bauer

The History of the Reformation: From the Birth of Luther to the Dawn of the Counter-Reformation by Susan Wise Bauer

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