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The Creative Brain: The Science of Genius by Nancy C

Unlock Your Inner Genius: Discover the Neuroscience Behind Creative Thinking with Nancy C. Andreasen

This book by Nancy C. Andreasen is a comprehensive exploration of the creative brain. It examines the science behind genius and creativity, exploring the neurological and psychological processes that enable people to think outside the box and create something new. Through interviews with renowned creative minds, the book del

status: WIP, rank: 9, name: The Creative Brain: The Science of Genius, price: NA, rating: NA, reviews: NA, data: The Creative Brain: The Science of Genius by Nancy C, cat: Non-Fiction/Self-Help/Psychology, tags: ['Tags:Creativity,', 'Neuroscience,', 'Genius,', 'Nancy', 'C.', 'Andreasen,', 'Science'], author: Nancy C

The Creative Brain: The Science of Genius by Nancy C

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