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DumanAsen Magnetic Fridge Calendar, Meal Planner, Dry Eraser Weekly Menu Board - 16" x 12" inches - Includes 8 Colourful Pens

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  • 2018 GIFT IDEAS - HEALTH & FITNESS - NUTRITION My Meal Planner is the perfect tool to track your upcoming meals and simplify your grocery trips. This planner contains space to plan a year's worth of meal's and grocery trips (52 weeks) in a beautiful and motivational style. Product Details: Premium matte finish cover design Perfect for all writing mediums Printed on bright-white 60lb (90gsm) paper stock Portable format 7.5" x 9.25" (19cm x 23.5cm) pages

DumanAsen Magnetic Fridge Calendar, Meal Planner, Dry Eraser Weekly Menu Board - 16" x 12" inches - Includes 8 Colourful Pens

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