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The Power of Self-Discipline: Resist Temptations, Control Impulses, Boost Mental Toughness by Brian Tracy

Unlock Your Potential and Achieve Your Goals with Brian Tracy\'s The Power of Self-Discipline!

This book by Brian Tracy provides readers with the tools and strategies to develop and maintain self-discipline in their lives. It offers practical advice on how to resist temptations, control impulses, and boost mental toughness. It covers topics such as goal setting, time management, and overcoming procrast

status: WIP, rank: 89, name: The Power of Self-Discipline: Resist Temptations, Control Impulses, Boost Mental Toughness, price: NA, rating: NA, reviews: NA, data: The Power of Self-Discipline: Resist Temptations, Control Impulses, Boost Mental Toughness by Brian Tracy, cat: Self-Help, tags: ['#SelfDiscipline', '#ResistTemptations', '#ControlImpulses', '#MentalToughness', '#BrianTracy'], author: Brian Tracy

The Power of Self-Discipline: Resist Temptations, Control Impulses, Boost Mental Toughness by Brian Tracy

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