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Unexpected Healer: A Fantasy LitRPG Isekai Adventure (Earthen Contenders Book 1)

  • Jonathan Brooks

  • Rating: 4.5

  • Cadence, the extraordinarily-powerful Bard-based Song Mistress, is back for the final installment of the Uniworld Online Trilogy! Joined by her friends, she embarks on a journey to - somehow - bring peace to Uniworld, all while avoiding attempts from her own faction to kill her.Now knowing who brutally attacked her - if not his real-life persona - Cadence must get stronger, learn more about her abilities, and devise a strategy for him to confess to his involvement. To do that, however, she needs to survive long enough; which is going to be hard with the entirety of the Light faction out to get her.With the only avenue for escape among their "enemies", Cadence and her friends travel to the Dark faction, where she learns much-needed information regarding one of her oldest and most important quests. From that information stems an expedition into the unknown, which will bring her closer to her goal...and her destiny.Is Cadence strong enough to embrace her fate and bring justice to her attackers? Find out - in the thrilling conclusion to the Uniworld Online Trilogy today!Contains LitRPG elements such as stat tables and character leveling.

Unexpected Healer: A Fantasy LitRPG Isekai Adventure (Earthen Contenders Book 1)

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