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"Wild Swans" by Jung Chang

A Journey of Discovery Through a Chinese Family\'s Epic History

Wild Swans" by Jung Chang is an epic and sweeping narrative of three generations of women in twentieth-century China. Through the story of her grandmother, her mother, and herself, Jung Chang paints a vivid portrait of a country undergoing tremendous upheaval, and of the brave women who endured

status: WIP, rank: 65, name: "Wild Swans", price: NA, rating: NA, reviews: NA, data: "Wild Swans" by Jung Chang, cat: Biography/Memoir, tags: ['Tags:', 'Jung', 'Chang,', 'Wild', 'Swans,', 'Biography,', 'Autobiography,', 'Memoir,', 'Chinese', 'History'], author: Jung Chang

"Wild Swans" by Jung Chang

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