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The Power of Self-Confidence by Brian Tracy

Unlock Your Potential and Achieve Success with Brian Tracy\'s Proven Strategies for Building Self-Confidence!

This book by Brian Tracy provides readers with the tools and strategies they need to develop and maintain self-confidence. Through practical advice and inspiring stories, readers will learn how to create a positive mindset, build self-esteem, and take control of their lives. The book also covers topics such as

status: WIP, rank: 100, name: The Power of Self-Confidence, price: NA, rating: NA, reviews: NA, data: The Power of Self-Confidence by Brian Tracy, cat: Self-Help/Personal Development, tags: ['#selfconfidence', '#BrianTracy', '#personalgrowth', '#selfimprovement', '#personaldevelopment', '#motivation'], author: Brian Tracy

The Power of Self-Confidence by Brian Tracy

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