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Greg Penn

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  • BLEST BE THE TIE is the first volume of THE GOINS BRICOLAGE, a comic history of a visionary and his family, and the time and place in which they live. It is the story of Wilton Fox Goins, a highly competent and driven businessman of the first half of the 20th century who aspires to wealth, power and influence for himself, his family, his church and his beloved community of Aschburgh. A clear-eyed fellow, determined to get what he wants out of life, while at the same time doing God's will, Wilton's dreams and aspirations are all too often thwarted by the even greater artistic aspirations of his wife Marva, by the Great Depression and the triumph of his bete noire Franklin Delano Roosevelt, as well as by the grinding provincial realites of life in Tecumseh and Stonewall Counties in the great Hoosier State of Indiana.

Greg Penn

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