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Beautiful Chaos: On Motherhood, Finding Yourself and Overwhelming Love

  • Jessica Urlichs

  • Rating: 4.9

  • The perfect gift for mums and mums-to-be this Mother’s Day 'The words awaken the magic of life by celebrating the ordinary' - Giovanna Fletcher 'Beautifully heartfelt, inspiringly poignant and therapeutically validating' - Anna Mathur Motherhood is messy and beautiful, and hard and humbling. We adore our children, and sometimes we miss ourselves. Beautiful Chaos is a collection of raw, honest poems about motherhood - capturing everything from pregnancy to school age. Upon becoming a mother, poet Jessica Urlichs was reminded that the everyday ordinary is extraordinary. Beautiful Chaos is a collection that chronicles it all - the highs, the lows, the confusion, the loss of identity, the becoming, and the brutal but beautiful ways our children hold up a mirrors to ourselves. This collection inspires vulnerability and will be a cathartic, healing read for anyone who needs it. These poems will remind you of a time gone by or ground you in the current moment. Either way, they will make you feel seen and comforted amid the beautiful chaos that is motherhood.

Beautiful Chaos: On Motherhood, Finding Yourself and Overwhelming Love

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