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The Happiness Advantage

  "Leveraging positive psychology to enhance success and performance"

"The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work" by Shawn Achor explores how happiness is a precursor to success, not merely the result. Achor presents research from the field of positive psychology that shows how a positive mindset can increase productivity, creativity, and engagement both at work and in personal life.



  • Title: "The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work"
  • Subtitle: "Harnessing Positive Psychology for Success"
  • Tagline: "Leveraging positive psychology to enhance success and performance"
  • Description: "Shawn Achor’s exploration of how happiness fundamentally boosts work performance and success."
  • Keywords: Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor, positive psychology, workplace success, productivity


# The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work
- Harnessing Positive Psychology for Success
- Leveraging positive psychology to enhance success and performance
- Shawn Achor’s exploration of how happiness fundamentally boosts work performance and success.
- 7 Topics

## Topics
- The Happiness Advantage
- The Fulcrum and the Lever
- The Tetris Effect
- Falling Up
- The Zorro Circle
- The 20-Second Rule
- Social Investment

Topic 1

"The Happiness Advantage"

Shawn Achor discusses the primary principle that happiness gives us a competitive edge in our lives and work, which he calls "The Happiness Advantage." A happier brain is more engaged, creative, motivated, energetic, resilient, and productive.

Topic 2

"The Fulcrum and the Lever"

This principle is about adjusting our mindset (the fulcrum) in a way that gives us the power (the lever) to be more fulfilled and successful. Achor teaches that our experience of the world is changeable and depends on our mental interpretation of our surroundings.

Topic 3

"The Tetris Effect"

Named after the video game, this concept describes how repetitive patterns of thought and behavior can affect our view of the world. By training our brain to spot patterns of possibility, we can see—and seize—opportunities wherever we look.

Topic 4

"Falling Up"

In the face of setbacks, it is possible to rise above and find a pathway that does not just lead us back to where we were before, but propels us to a place even better. Achor explains how adversity can lead to growth by revealing possibilities that were not initially visible.

Topic 5

"The Zorro Circle"

This principle focuses on how limiting our focus to small, manageable goals can expand our sphere of power. It’s about regaining control in the face of chaos by starting small and then gradually expanding our circle like the legendary Zorro.

Topic 6

"The 20-Second Rule"

To change a habit, make positive habits 20 seconds easier to start and negative habits 20 seconds harder to start. Achor uses this rule to illustrate how the minimization of barriers to positive change leads to more sustainable habits.

Topic 7

"Social Investment"

During times of stress and challenge, it's easy to turn inward, but the most successful people invest in their social support networks. Achor argues that the quality of our social support network greatly affects our happiness and resilience.