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"The Glass Universe" by Dava Sobel

Unlock the Hidden History of the Women Who Illuminated the Stars

The Glass Universe" by Dava Sobel is a captivating narrative that tells the story of a group of remarkable women who worked at Harvard College Observatory in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Through their hard work and dedication, these women revolutionized the field of astronomy and

status: WIP, rank: 34, name: "The Glass Universe", price: NA, rating: NA, reviews: NA, data: "The Glass Universe" by Dava Sobel, cat: Non-Fiction/Biography, tags: ['Tags:', 'Dava', 'Sobel,', 'The', 'Glass', 'Universe,', 'History,', 'Science,', 'Astronomy,', "Women's", 'History,', 'Biography'], author: Dava Sobel

"The Glass Universe" by Dava Sobel

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