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Doughnut Economics

"Redefining economic success for the 21st century."

"Doughnut Economics" by Kate Raworth challenges traditional economic models that prioritize GDP growth above all else. This groundbreaking book proposes a new model—the Doughnut—which balances essential human needs and planetary boundaries, aiming to ensure sustainability and equity for all.



  • Title: "Doughnut Economics: Kate Raworth's Blueprint for Sustainable Development"
  • Subtitle: "Kate Raworth's Blueprint for Sustainable Development"
  • Tagline: "Redefining economic success for the 21st century."
  • Description: "An innovative economic model that seeks to balance human development with planetary health."
  • Keywords: Sustainability, Economic Models, Planetary Boundaries, Human Needs, Kate Raworth


# Doughnut Economics
- Subtitle: Kate Raworth's Blueprint for Sustainable Development
- Tagline: Redefining economic success for the 21st century.
- Description: An innovative economic model that seeks to balance human development with planetary health.
- 5 Topics

## Topics
- Doughnut Model: Concept, Application
- Sustainability Challenges: Climate change, Resource depletion
- Social Foundation: Meeting human needs, Social equity
- Environmental Ceiling: Protecting the planet, Limiting damage
- Implementation Strategies: Policy, Community initiatives

Doughnut Model

"Introducing a revolutionary framework for economic thinking."

This section outlines the core concept of the Doughnut model, which visualizes a safe and just space for humanity within the world’s ecological limits. Raworth describes how this model provides a comprehensive approach to economic development that embeds sustainability in its core.

Sustainability Challenges

"Addressing the pressing environmental issues through economics."

Raworth examines how traditional economic growth models contribute to environmental degradation and climate change. This part emphasizes the need for a shift towards models that prioritize ecological stability and the sustainable use of resources.

Social Foundation

"Ensuring a livable and equitable world for all."

"Doughnut Economics" stresses the importance of not just environmental sustainability, but also social equity. Raworth argues for meeting basic human needs globally, such as food, water, education, and healthcare, as essential components of economic success.

Environmental Ceiling

"Setting limits to safeguard our planetary home."

The book identifies key planetary boundaries that must not be crossed to prevent catastrophic environmental change. This section discusses the limits related to climate change, biodiversity loss, ocean acidification, and more, proposing economic strategies to respect these boundaries.

Implementation Strategies

"Practical steps for adopting the Doughnut at various scales."

The final part of the book explores how cities, countries, and businesses can implement the Doughnut model through innovative policies and community-driven initiatives. Raworth provides examples of places where elements of the model are already being tested and shows how others can adapt these ideas to their contexts.