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The Gospel of Judas

Uncover the Ancient Truths of Betrayal and Redemption.

The Gospel of Judas is an ancient text that tells the story of Jesus and Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus's disciples. It is believed to have been written sometime between the second and fourth centuries and is thought to be a Gnostic text. The text is controversial because

status: WIP, rank: 77, name: The Gospel of Judas, price: NA, rating: NA, reviews: NA, data: The Gospel of Judas, cat: Religious/Spiritual, tags: ['Tags:', 'Gospel', 'of', 'Judas,', 'Christianity,', 'Biblical', 'Studies,', 'Ancient', 'Texts,', 'Religion'], author: The Gospel of Judas

The Gospel of Judas

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