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The Leadership Advantage: How the Best Companies Gain a Competitive Edge by Developing Their People by Michael Useem

Unlock the Power of Your People: Learn How to Create a Winning Team with The Leadership Advantage

This book provides a comprehensive look at how the best companies gain a competitive edge by developing their people. Written by Michael Useem, a professor at the Wharton School of Business, The Leadership Advantage examines the strategies and tactics that successful companies use to create a culture of leadership and innovation. Through

status: WIP, rank: 36, name: The Leadership Advantage: How the Best Companies Gain a Competitive Edge, price: NA, rating: NA, reviews: NA, data: The Leadership Advantage: How the Best Companies Gain a Competitive Edge by Developing Their People by Michael Useem, cat: Leadership/Management, tags: ['#Leadership', '#CompetitiveEdge', '#BestCompanies', '#DevelopingPeople', '#MichaelUseem'], author: Michael Useem

The Leadership Advantage: How the Best Companies Gain a Competitive Edge by Developing Their People by Michael Useem

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